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15 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Plastik {f} - plastic
  Plastik, Kunststof - Plastics
  Plastik {f} (Kunst) - sculpture
  Plastik {f} [med.] - plastic surgery  
  Plastik, Plastikmaterial - plastic material  
Bildhauer {m}; Skulpteur {m}; Plastiker {m} - sculptor
Plastikator {m} - softener
Plastiktüte {f} - plastic bag  
Plastikbeutel - plastic bag  
Plastikfelge {f} - plastic rim  
Plastikrohr, Kunststoffroh - Plastic Pipes  
Plastikbombe {f} - plastic bomb  
Plastikfolie {f} - polythene sheet  
Plastikhammer {m} - plastic mallet  
  Besteck (auch aus Plastik) - silverware / US  
If only one could get that wonderful feeling of accomplishment without having to accomplish anything.

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