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281 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
  Ja, was ich sagen wollte. - Oh, by the way.
Ohren - ear, the ears, the outer ears (medical)  
zum - to the  
Amnion - amnion, sack containing the fetus (medical)  
  Atrium, Vorhof - atrium, part of the heart (medical)  
beim - near the  
  kaudal, steißwärts, zum Gesäß - caudal, near/towards the tail caudal (medical)  
  Zygote, befruchtete Eizelle - zygote, fertilized ovum, the cell resulting from the union of a male and a female gamete (medical)  
  biliär, Gallen- - biliary, bile-related, pertaining to the bile ducts or the gallbladder (medical)  
Armen {pl} - the poor  
  Keloide, Wulstnarbe - cheloid, keloid, an elevated, irregular scar from the formation of excessive amounts of collagen (medical)  
oben - at the head  
Serotyp - serotype, serological type (in immunology) the genotype of a unicellular organism (medical)  
wenn - by the time  
  - : Ach, übrigens - OBTW : oh, by the way  
   |    next 15 »
Mencken and Nathan's Second Law of The Average American: All the postmasters in small towns read all the postcards.

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