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66 Ergebnisse German - English substring search »
Alkylat - alkylate, anti-cancer treatment (medical)
  antiviral, gegen Viren gerichtet - antiviral, virus treatment (medical)  
Behandlung {f} - treatment  
  Behandlung {f}; Verfahren {n} - treatment  
  Antibiogramm, Testung individuellen Erregerempfindlichkeit - antibiogram, part of cancer treatment (medical)  
  Antibiose, Antiobiotikatherapie - antibiotherapy, treatment with antibiotics (medical)  
  Antimykotikum, Pilzwachstum beeinflussende Mittel - antimycotic, fungus treatment (medical)  
  Antipyretikum, fiebersenkendes Mittel - antipyretic, fever treatment (medical)  
  antipruriginös, gegen Juckreiz - antipruritic, itch treatment (medical)  
Erwärmung - heating treatment  
  Erwärmung {f} - heating treatment  
  Antispasmodikum, Mittel gegen Krämpfe glatter Muskulatur - antispasmodic, spasm treatment (medical)  
  Antiphlogistikum, entzündungshemmende Mittel - antiphlogistic, swelling and fever treatment antiphlogistique (medical)  
  antithrombotisch, gegen Blutgerinnsel - antithrombotic, blood clotting treatment (medical)  
  Behandlung; Verfahren - treatment  
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Hanson's Treatment of Time: There are never enough hours in a day, but always too many days before Saturday.

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