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141 results German - English substring search »
gesiegt; siegte   -   won
[ Personenname ]   -   Won
herumgekriegt   -   won over
gewinnen; erlangen   -   to win {won; won}
Sie kommen doch, oder?   -   You'll come, won't you?
Er gewann, indem er mogelte.   -   He won by cheating.
Es geht nicht.   -   It won't work.
Das genügt nicht.   -   This won't do.
Das genuegt nicht.   -   This won't do.
ein Körper, an dem alles an der richtigen Stelle sitzt   -   a body that won't quit
Das kann doch nichts schaden.   -   Come, come. That won't hurt him.
sie wird nicht   -   she won't (will not)
Das schadet nichts.   -   That won't hurt.
Das verbitte ich mir.   -   I won't stand that.
Er rührt keinen Finger.   -   He won't stir a finger.
   |    next 15 »
It's better to be quotable than to be honest. -- Tom Stoppard
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