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356 results German - English substring search »
Lohn, Arbeitsentgelt   -   wage
Lohn {m}   -   wage
Lohn   -   wage; wages
Lohnsatz   -   wage rate
Nettolohn, Nettogehalt, Nettoverdienst   -   net wage
Reallohn, Effektivlohn   -   real wage
Zeitlohn   -   time wage
Zeitlohn, Zeitlohnsatz   -   time wage
Lohndruck   -   wage push
Lohnsumme, Lohnkosten   -   wage bill
Lohntarif   -   wage-rate
Reallohn {m}   -   real wage
Grundlohn   -   basic wage
Lohndrift   -   wage-drift
Lohnkürzung   -   wage cut
   |    next 15 »
"For a male and female to live continuously together is... biologically speaking, an extremely unnatural condition." -- Robert Briffault
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