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15 results German - English substring search »
Hose {f}   -   trouser
Hosenanzug {m}   -   trouser suit
[ Personenname ]   -   Trouser
Hosenanzuege   -   trouser suits
Hosenanzüge {pl}   -   trouser suits
Hosentasche   -   trouser pocket
Pyjamahose {f}   -   pajama trouser
Hosentaschen {pl}   -   trouser pockets
Hose {f}   -   trousers
Hosen {pl}   -   trousers
lange Hose   -   trousers
Keilhosen {pl}   -   stretch trousers
eine Hose   -   a pair of trousers
Hosentasche {f}   -   (trouser) pocket
Lederhose {f}   -   leather trousers; leather shorts; lederhosen
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