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44 results German - English substring search »
sie   -   them
ihnen   -   them
sie; ihnen   -   them
[ Personenname ]   -   Them
Hymne   -   anthem
Inhalt, Thema   -   topic
Thema {n}   -   theme
Thema {n}   -   topic
Inhalt {m}; Thema {n}   -   topic
Thema {n}   -   subject
Themen {pl}   -   themes
Themen {pl}   -   topics
Themse {f}   -   Thames
Gegenstand, Sache, Thema   -   item
Hemdblusen, Sporthemden   -   shirts
   |    next 15 »
Do not do unto others as you would they should do unto you. Their tastes may not be the same. -- George Bernard Shaw
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