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117 results German - English substring search »
Zug {m}   -   tension
Spannung {f}   -   tension
Zugzone   -   tension zone
Zugpfahl   -   tension pile
Zugstab   -   tension member
Zugglied   -   tension member
Spanndraht {m}   -   tension wire
Hochspannung   -   high tension
Hochspannung {f} (mech.)   -   high tension
Spanndrähte {pl}   -   tension wires
Spannfeder {f}   -   tension spring
Spannfedern {pl}   -   tension springs
Zugmodul {m}   -   modulus of tension
Spannungsfeld {n}   -   area of tension
Karkassspannung {f}   -   casing tension
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