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229 results German - English substring search »
Seil, Strick   -   rope
Seil {n}; Tau {n}   -   rope
Strang {m}   -   rope
Schote {f}   -   sheet rope
anseilen   -   to rope up
Hanfseil {n}   -   hemp rope
Seil (Metall) {n}   -   rope
Zugseil {n}   -   towing rope
abseilen   -   to rope down
Illusion {f}   -   rope of sand
Pressklemme {f} für Drahtseile   -   rope clip
Abschleppseil {n}   -   tow rope
Seifiges   -   soapy seil rope
Seilkausche {f}   -   rope thimble
Strickleiter {f}   -   rope ladder
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"There are things that are so serious that you can only joke about them" -- Heisenberg
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