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67 results German - English substring search »
Behandlung   -   reatment
Alkylat   -   alkylate, anti-cancer treatment (medical)
antiviral, gegen Viren gerichtet   -   antiviral, virus treatment (medical)
Behandlung {f}   -   treatment
Behandlung {f}; Verfahren {n}   -   treatment
Antibiogramm, Testung individuellen Erregerempfindlichkeit   -   antibiogram, part of cancer treatment (medical)
Antibiose, Antiobiotikatherapie   -   antibiotherapy, treatment with antibiotics (medical)
Behandlungen {pl}   -   treatments
Antimykotikum, Pilzwachstum beeinflussende Mittel   -   antimycotic, fungus treatment (medical)
Antipyretikum, fiebersenkendes Mittel   -   antipyretic, fever treatment (medical)
Misshandlung {f}   -   maltreatment
antipruriginös, gegen Juckreiz   -   antipruritic, itch treatment (medical)
Erwärmung   -   heating treatment
Erwärmung {f}   -   heating treatment
Antispasmodikum, Mittel gegen Krämpfe glatter Muskulatur   -   antispasmodic, spasm treatment (medical)
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People who take cold baths never have rheumatism, but they have cold baths.
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