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38 results German - English substring search »
macht   -   matter
Grund {m}   -   matter
Sache {f}; Angelegenheit {f}   -   matter
Materie {f}   -   matter
Gegenstand, Material, Sache, Angelegenheit   -   matter
Gegenstand {m}; Material {n}; Sache {f}; Angelegenheit {f}   -   matter
ganz gleich   -   no matter
Geldsache {f}   -   money matter
Materie {f} (Thema)   -   subject matter
sachlich   -   matter of fact
Urstoff {m}   -   primary matter
[ Personenname ]   -   Matter
Formsache   -   matter of form
Kern {m} der Sache   -   root of the matter
Nebensache {f}   -   minor matter
   |    next 15 »
Sometimes you get an almost irresistible urge to go on living.
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