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19 results German - English substring search »
gibt   -   gives
weichst   -   gives way
erteilt; gibt   -   gives
kündigt   -   gives notice
verschenkt   -   gives away
verzagt   -   gives up hope
Er weist ihn ab.   -   He gives him the fluff.
Es macht mich verrückt.   -   It gives me the willies.
Es macht mich verrueckt.   -   It gives me the willies.
Das lässt tief blicken.   -   That gives a deep insight.
Dabei kriege ich Gänsehaut.   -   It gives me the creeps.
Er macht mir viel Mühe.   -   He gives me a lot of trouble.
Da lachen ja die Hühner.   -   That gives one a horse laugh.
Er macht mir viel Ärger.   -   He gives me a lot of trouble.
Sie macht mir viel Mühe.   -   She gives me a lot of trouble.
   |    next 15 »
Heller's Law: The first myth of management is that it exists. Johnson's Corollary: Nobody really knows what is going on anywhere within the organization.
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