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85 results German - English substring search »
Ja, doch!   -   Yes, of couse!
Doch, ich sehe es.   -   Yes, I see it.
Doch!   -   Yes, I do!
Komm doch!   -   Do come!
da; doch; dennoch   -   yet
Sei doch geduldig!   -   Now, be patient!
Spät kommt er, doch er kommt.   -   He's late, but he's coming after all.
Lass doch!   -   Don't bother!
dennoch; doch; noch   -   still
dennoch; doch   -   nevertheless
Er kam zwar, doch war's zu spät.   -   He came alright, but too late.
Nicht doch!   -   Don't! Stop it!
Sie kommen doch, oder?   -   You'll come, won't you?
Sei doch mal still!   -   Be quiet, will you!
Bitte bedenken Sie doch!   -   Pray, consider!
   |    next 15 »
Commoner's three laws of ecology: (1) No action is without side-effects. (2) Nothing ever goes away. (3) There is no free lunch.
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