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52 results German - English substring search »
Tat {f}   -   deed
Urkunde, notarielle Urkunde   -   deed
Urkunde {f}   -   deed
böse Tat   -   foul deed
Wohltat {f}   -   good deed
[ Personenname ]   -   Deed
Heldentat {f}   -   heroic deed
Wagestück {n}   -   daring deed
gesiegelte Urkunde, Tat, Handlung   -   deed
Hypothekenbrief   -   mortgage deed
Treuhandvertrag   -   deed of trust
Protesturkunde   -   deed of protest
Schenkungsurkunde   -   deed of gift
Hypothekenurkunde   -   mortgage deed
Hypothekenurkunde, Hypothekenbrief   -   mortgage deed
   |    next 15 »
2180, U.S. History question: What 20th Century U.S. President was almost impeached and what office did he later hold?
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