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69 results German - English substring search »
Bad, Mineralquelle, Heilquelle, Badeort, Heilbad   -   spa
Bad {n}; Mineralquelle {f}; Heilquelle {f}; Badeort {m}; Heilbad {n}   -   spa
Bad, Badewanne, baden   -   bath
Bad {n}   -   bath
Bad {n}; Badewanne {f}   -   bath
Bad   -   bathroom
schlecht   -   bad
Pech   -   bad luck
Pech {n}; Unglück {n}   -   bad luck
Tadel {m} (in der Schule)   -   bad mark
Dubiose   -   bad debt
Unart {f}   -   bad habit
Arglist   -   bad faith
anfaulen   -   to go bad
angefault   -   gone bad
   |    next 15 »
Dentist, n.: A Prestidigitator who, putting metal in one's mouth, pulls coins out of one's pockets. -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"
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