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180 results German - English substring search »
aller   -   everything
[ Personenname ]   -   Aller
in aller Form   -   in due form
unter aller Kritik   -   beneath contempt
mit aller Gewalt   -   with might and main
was denn; was in aller Welt   -   whatever
Mehrzahl aller Fälle   -   majority of cases
in aller Ruhe   -   without ruffle or excitement
zur Überraschung aller   -   to the surprise of all
aller Schnickschnack   -   all the bells and whistles
einschließlich aller Abgaben   -   including any taxes
einschließlich aller Gebühren   -   including any fees
einschließlich aller Kosten   -   including any charges
aller persönlicher Sachbesitz   -   all chattels personal
Unterstützung aller Beteiligten   -   assistance to all parties
   |    next 15 »
Ferguson's Precept: A crisis is when you can't say "let's forget the whole thing."
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