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10 results German - English substring search »
Wulstkern {m}   -   bead core
Wulstkern {m}   -   bead wire
Wulstkern (freigelegt) {m}   -   exposed bead core
Wulstkern {m}   -   bead bundle; bead core (wire); bead wire
freigelegter Wulstkern   -   exposed bead core; exposed bead wire
Doppelwulstkern {m}   -   twin bead
Wulstkernbruch {m}   -   bead wire break
Wulstkerngummierung {f}   -   bead wire rubber
Wulstkernwickler {m}   -   bead flipper machine
Wulstkerndurchmesser {m}   -   bead wire diameter
If you don't do the things that are not worth doing, who will?
processing time: 0.07 [sec]

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