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73 results German - English substring search »
Kost {f}; Verpflegung {f}; Nahrung {f}; Speise {f}   -   fare
Speise, Nahrung   -   food
Speise {f}   -   food
Essen, bei dem jeder Gast eine Speise mitbringt   -   potluck
Fahrgeld, Kost, Speise   -   fare
Speiseöl {n}   -   cooking oil; edible oil
Rest {m}; Speiserest {m}   -   leftover
abspeisen   -   to fob
Speiseeis, das   -   helado
Speisende {m,f}   -   diner
Desserts, Nachspeisen {pl}   -   desserts, afters
Speisebrei {m}   -   chyme
Speisekarte {f}; Speisezettel {m}   -   menu
abspeisend   -   fobbing
die Süßspeise   -   sweet
   |    next 15 »
A real friend isn't someone you use once and then throw away. A real friend is someone you can use over and over again.
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