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24 results German - English substring search »
Justiz, Justizgewalt   -   judiciary
Justiz {f}; Justizgewalt {f}   -   judiciary
Gerechtigkeit, Justiz   -   justice
Gerechtigkeit {f}; Justiz {f}; Recht {n}   -   justice
Lynchjustiz {f}   -   lynchlaw
Lynchjustiz {f}; Volksjustiz {f}   -   lynch law
Justizpalast {m}   -   law courts
Justizwesen {n}   -   judicial system
Justizbehörde   -   legal authority
Justizbeamte {m}   -   judicial officer
Justizbeamter   -   judicial officer
Justizbehörde {f}   -   legal authority
Justizirrtum {m}   -   error of justice
Justizbehörden   -   legal authorities
Justizbehörden {pl}   -   legal authorities
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To have died once is enough. -- Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
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