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140 results German - English substring search »
Inhalt, Thema   -   topic
Inhalt {m}   -   index
Inhalt {m}; Thema {n}   -   topic
Inhalt   -   contens
Inhalt {m}   -   volume
Inhalt, zufrieden   -   content
Inhalt {m}   -   content
Inhalt, Hausrat, Mobilien   -   contents
Inhalt {m}   -   contents
Inhalt, Wesentliches   -   substance
Inhalt {m}; Wesentliche {n}   -   substance
Inhalt, beinhaltete Daten, Inhaltsmerkmale   -   data content
Inhalt   -   contents [Plural]
Fassungsvermögen {n}; Kapazität {f}; Inhalt {m}; Volumen {n}   -   capacity
Inh. : Inhalt   -   cont. : contents
   |    next 15 »
He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom. -- J.R.R. Tolkien
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