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28 results German - English substring search »
Gnade   -   grace
Gnade {f}; Gunst {f}; Anmut {f}   -   grace
Gnade {f}; Mitleid {n}   -   mercy
Grazie, Anmut, Gnade   -   grace
die Gnade   -   mercy
Gnade {f}   -   graciousness
Gnade; Mitleid   -   mercy
Gnade; Gunst; Anmut   -   grace
Respekttage, 3 Tage Gnade   -   days of respite
Gnade walten lassen   -   to spare
um Gnade bitten   -   say uncle / US
Gnaden {pl}   -   mercies
Ungnade, in Ungnade bringen   -   disgrace
Gnadenbrot, Naechstenliebe   -   charity
Gnadenbrot {n}; Nächstenliebe {f}   -   charity
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"In the fight between you and the world, back the world." -- Frank Zappa
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