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35 results German - English substring search »
Anfall {m}   -   fit
Anfall {m}   -   attack
Angriff, Anfall, angreifen   -   attack
Anfall {m} (Dividende; Erbschaft); Entstehung {f} (Anspruch)   -   accrual
Angriff; Anfall   -   attack
Anfall; passend; geeignet   -   fit
kleiner Anfall   -   absence seizure, mild epilepsy (medical)
(plötzlicher) Anfall [med.]   -   seizure
anfallen, auflaufen   -   accrue
Wutanfall {m}   -   paddy
Fieberanfall {m}; Wallung {f}   -   flush
anfallend   -   incidental
Trotzanfall {m}   -   tantrum
Schlaganfall {m}   -   apoplexy
Wutanfall {m}   -   fit of rage
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "The baby was so ugly they had to hang a pork chop around its neck to get the dog to play with it."
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