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50 results German - English substring search »
bergen, retten, sparen, ersparen   -   save
retten, sichern, bewahren, sparen   -   save
Ballabwehr {f}, Parade {f} (Fußball etc.)   -   save
Zeit sparen   -   save time
[ Personenname ]   -   Save
außer; ausgenommen   -   save
Kosten sparen   -   save costs
Schutzbereich {m}   -   save area
Platz sparen   -   to save space
abspeichern   -   to store; to save
Sparneigung   -   propensity to save
die Lage retten   -   to save the day
arbeitsplätze erhalten   -   save jobs
aus Gefahr retten   -   save from danger
aufbewahren; retten; sichern   -   to save
   |    next 15 »
Westheimer's Discovery: A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library.
processing time: 3.502 [sec]

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