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50 results German - English substring search »
Paar {n}   -   couple
kuppeln   -   to couple
ankuppeln   -   to couple
verbinden   -   to couple
Eheleute {pl}   -   married-couple
Brautpaar {n}; Verlobte   -   engaged couple
Kräftepaar [math.]   -   couple
Brautleute {pl}   -   engaged couple
Hochzeitspaar {n}   -   happy couple
einige Tage   -   a couple of days
Rückstellmoment {n}   -   redress couple
angestelltes Ehepaar   -   working couple
Verteilung {f} des Wankmomentes   -   roll couple distribution
Moment eines Kräftepaars [math.]   -   moment of a couple
Wir kommen gleich nach.   -   We will follow in a couple of minutes.
   |    next 15 »
Westheimer's Discovery: A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple of hours in the library.
processing time: 0.162 [sec]

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