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56 results German - English substring search »
Dinge, Sachen   -   things
Dinge {pl}   -   things
Dinge {pl}; Sachen {pl}   -   things
Rasierzeug {n}   -   shaving things
etliches   -   a number of things
Rassierzeug {n}   -   shaving things
Wie geht's?   -   How are things?
tausenderlei   -   a thousand things
Aufgabenliste {f}   -   things-to-do list
die Badesachen   -   swimming things  {pl}
Siebensachen {pl}   -   things; belongings
unter anderem   -   among other things
alles mögliche   -   all sorts of things
Klamotte {pl}; Klamotten {pl}; Kluft {f} (Kleider)   -   rags; togs; things; junk
Sachgesamtheit {f}   -   aggregate of things
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Some of the things that live the longest in peoples' memories never really happened.
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