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20 results German - English substring search »
erprobt   -   tried
erprobt   -   well tried
anprobiert   -   tried on
altbewährt   -   well-tried
vielgeprüft   -   much tried
hineingedacht   -   tried to understand
Er gab sich große Mühe.   -   He tried hard.
gründlich erprobt   -   tried in the furnace
Sie gab sich große Mühe.   -   She tried hard.
in altbewährter Manier   -   the tried and tested way
Er versuchte es mir anzudrehen.   -   He tried to palm it off on me.
Er versuchte mit heiler Haut davonzukommen.   -   He tried to save his bacon.
Er wollte das Gegenteil beweisen.   -   He tried to prove that black is white.
unversucht   -   untried
Industriedunst   -   smog
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I tried buying a goat instead of a lawn tractor; had to return it though. Couldn't figure out a way to connect the snow blower."
processing time: 0.076 [sec]

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