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118 results German - English substring search »
Schnee {m}   -   snow
Schnee, welcher {m}   -   soft snow
schneien   -   to snow
Schnee, gefrorener {m}   -   frozen snow
Schneelast   -   snow load
Skihaserl {n}   -   snow bunny
[ Personenname ]   -   Snow
Schnee {m} (Kokain)   -   snow (cocaine)
schneeblind   -   snow blind
Schneeschuh {m}   -   snow shoe
Schneegrenze {f}   -   snow line
Schneehuhn {n}   -   snow grouse
Schneekette {f}   -   snow chain
Schneereifen {m}   -   snow tyre
Schneesturm {m}   -   snow storm
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I tried buying a goat instead of a lawn tractor; had to return it though. Couldn't figure out a way to connect the snow blower."
processing time: 0.451 [sec]

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