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17 results German - English substring search »
Bläser {m}   -   blower
Geblaese   -   blower
Geblaese, Luefter   -   blower
Gebläse {n}; Lüfter {m}   -   blower
Ventilator {m}   -   blower
der Windfang   -   blower
Vorverdichter {m} (Auto)   -   blower
[ Personenname ]   -   Blower
Schneefräse {f}   -   snow blower
Abblasvorrichtung {f}   -   blower
Heißlüfter {m}   -   hot air blower
Telefon, das   -   blower (london slang)
Unterdruckgebläse {n}   -   vacuum blower
Bläsers   -   blowers
Glasblaeser   -   glassblower
   |    next 15 »
QOTD: "I tried buying a goat instead of a lawn tractor; had to return it though. Couldn't figure out a way to connect the snow blower."
processing time: 0.055 [sec]

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