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23 results German - English substring search »
Schuhe {pl}   -   shoes
Turnschuhe {pl}   -   gym shoes
Schneeschuhe {pl}   -   snow shoes
Sportschuhe {pl}   -   sports shoes
Schuhgrößen {pl}   -   size of shoes
Tennisschuhe {pl}   -   tennis shoes
Saubermann {m}   -   goodie two shoes
Schnallenschuhe {pl}   -   buckled shoes
Lackschuhe {pl}   -   patent-leather shoes
seine Schuhe anziehen   -   to put on one's shoes
Putze deine Schuhe!   -   Give your shoes a shine!
Er putzte seine Schuhe.   -   He polished his shoes.
Ich möchte nicht in seiner Haut stecken.   -   I wouldn't like to be in his shoes.
Diese Schuhe stammen noch von meinem Großvater.   -   These shoes used to be my grandfather's.
Hufeisen {pl}   -   horseshoes
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Life's the same, except for the shoes. -- The Cars
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