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31 results German - English substring search »
ehrlich   -   honest
ehrenwerte   -   honest
ehrlichere   -   more honest
ehrlichste   -   most honest
redlich; ehrlich   -   honest
grundehrlich   -   thoroughly honest
Er ist zwar arm, aber ehrlich.   -   Though he's poor, he's an honest man.
Er ist zwar arm, aber (dennoch) ehrlich.   -   Though he's poor, he's an honest man.
ehrlich; aufrichtig; redlich   -   honest
sein Geld redlich verdienen   -   turn an honest penny
Ein Mann, ein Wort.   -   An honest man's word's as good as his bond.
Ehre {f}   -   honesty
ehrliche   -   honestly
geradezu   -   honestly
ehrenvoll   -   honestly
   |    next 15 »
It's better to be quotable than to be honest. -- Tom Stoppard
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