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79 results German - English substring search »
Regeln {pl}   -   rules
Gesetze {pl}   -   rules
Grundregeln {pl}   -   basic rules
Arbeitsordnung, Betriebsordnung   -   work rules
regelwidrig   -   against rules
Zollstöcke {pl}   -   folding rules
beherrscht; herrscht   -   rules
Satzung {f} einer Gesellschaft   -   rules of a society
Gebrauchsregeln   -   rules of use
Sonderregelung   -   special rules
regelwidrig   -   contrary to rules
Reglement {n}   -   regulations; rules
Reihe von Regeln   -   set of rules
Linux ist Klasse!   -   Linux rules!
Sprachregeln {pl}   -   rules of grammar
   |    next 15 »
Immutability, Three Rules of: (1) If a tarpaulin can flap, it will. (2) If a small boy can get dirty, he will. (3) If a teenager can go out, he will.
processing time: 0.297 [sec]

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