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234 results German - English substring search »
hatte   -   had
gehabt   -   had
gemusst   -   had to
haben   -   to have {had; had}
angehabt   -   had on
gehabt; hatte   -   had
vesperte   -   had a snack
weggemusst   -   had to go
geplaudert   -   had a chat
das, woran ich dachte   -   what I had in mind
freigehabt   -   had a holiday
vorgeschwebt   -   had in mind
frühstückte   -   had breakfast
Alse   -   shad
Alsen {pl}   -   shads
   |    next 15 »
If God had really intended men to fly, he'd make it easier to get to the airport. -- George Winters
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