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14 results German - English substring search »
Illusion   -   illusion
Illusion, Sinnestäuschung   -   illusion
Illusion, Täuschung   -   illusion
Illusion {f}; Täuschung {f}   -   illusion
Illusion {f}   -   rope of sand
Ernüchterung, Befreiung von einer Illusion   -   disillusion
Illusionen {pl}   -   illusions
trügerisch   -   illusionary
Ernüchterung {f}   -   disillusion
Ernuechterung   -   disillusion
desillusionieren   -   disenchant
desillusioniert   -   disenchants
Geldillusion   -   money illusion
desillusionieren   -   disillusion
Happiness is just an illusion, filled with sadness and confusion.
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