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33 results German - English substring search »
Art   -   kind
art   -   kind
Art, Art und Weise   -   kind
Art, Sorte   -   kind
Art {f}; Sorte {f}   -   kind
Kind {n}   -   kid
Kind {n}   -   child
Kind {n}   -   kiddy
Kind {n}   -   infant
Baby, Kindlein   -   babe
Baby {n}; Kindlein {n}   -   babe
naiv, natürlich, harmlos, kindlich   -   naive
Arten   -   kinds
gütig   -   kindly
gütig, sanft, freundlicherweise   -   kindly
   |    next 15 »
For people who like that kind of book, that is the kind of book they will like.
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