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323 results German - English substring search »
Last, aufladen   -   load
Last {f}   -   load
Last {f}; Belastung {f}; Ladung {f}   -   load
dauern, letzter   -   last
Last, Gemeinkosten   -   burden
letzte   -   last
Last {f}; Bürde {f}   -   burden
dauern   -   to last
endlich   -   at last
zuletzt   -   at last
Last {f} im Grundzustand   -   basic load
Last {f}   -   onerousness
Last; Ladung   -   load
allerletzt   -   very last
Schlussakt {m}   -   last act
   |    next 15 »
Boob's Law: You always find something in the last place you look.
processing time: 1.004 [sec]

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