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14 results German - English substring search »
unterstützend   -   supporting
freitragend   -   self-supporting
selbsttragend   -   self-supporting
abstützend; stützend   -   supporting
Auflagedruck {m}   -   supporting thrust
das Stützgewebe   -   supporting tissue
Hilfsmaßnahmen   -   supporting measures
finanziell unabhängig   -   self-supporting
Fördernde Mitglieder   -   Supporting Members
weitere Unterlagen   -   supporting documents
das Stützgewebe   -   supporting connective tissue
Darsteller in einer Nebenrolle   -   supporting actor
aufbautechnische Toleranzen   -   tolerances of the track-supporting layers
unterstützend   -   supportingly
"Only a brain-damaged operating system would support task switching and not make the simple next step of supporting multitasking." -- George McFry
processing time: 0.046 [sec]

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